25 Design Ideas to Decorate a Small Walk in Closet


A well-organized closet can make starting your day a bit easier, but a pretty, organized closet, can make it even better. You don’t have to have a huge closet to feel glamorous and you don’t have to spend a ton of money decorating it either. Check out these easy ways to decorate a small walk in closet to transform it into a pretty dressing room with character and personality in whatever style you like. 

1. The power of paint.

Who says a closet has to be white? Paint is the perfect go to when it comes to updating any space. It’s relatively inexpensive and gives the space a whole new look and feel. The first step is to choose the right color palette. Whether you work off the colors in the adjacent bedroom or pull the colors from the print in a rug or art as your jumping off piece, you would want to choose those pieces first. Those colors are easier to match with the millions of paint colors out there than to try to find wallpaper or art to match a specific shade of paint. 

This shade of blue is so pretty, why not try painting the ceiling, too? It matches the print of the wallpaper and you can see hints of it in the tones in the rug. 


How to update a small walk in closet


The blue on the walls and the orange in the rug are such a pretty combination.


2. Add pretty or funky wallpaper. 

With the availability of removeable wallpaper out there now, adding wallpaper is one of the best ways to decorate a small walk in closet because it’s a fairly easy and somewhat inexpensive project. Since it’s removeable, it’s perfect if you are in a rental or you can always change it if  you get bored. You don’t have to do every wall (you’re probably using most of the space for storage anyway), just add a some to a feature wall to add some color and interest. This makes such a statement even on the ceiling. 


creative ways to decorate a small walk in closet




You could even add it to the back wall behind the shelves so just enough shows through to add a pop of color. 



3. Go with wooden shelves.

You know the classic closet shelves I’m talking about. Those wire shelves you see in most closets. Yes, they are functional but they are definitely not nice to look at. If built in shelves are not an option, try covering the wire shelves with wood for a more built in look. Folded clothes will lay better on a flat surface and the closet will look better. 


You can see the full tutorial here. 

 4. Add a full length mirror.

It’s really convenient if you can add a full-length wall mirror if you have enough space. What a great way to add function and light to the space. 



I love the gold arched mirror used here. No wall space needed for this one. 


creative ways to decorate a small walk in closet


See our original master bedroom closet makeover on a budget here. 

5. Add a small dresser for storage.

If you have the extra space, a small dresser can add the additional storage you need as well as color and interest. If you are ready to take on another DIY project and can pick one up at a thrift store or garage sale, it’s even better. We picked up this dresser at my favorite thrift store for $20 and gave it a REALLY good cleaning and a fresh coat of paint. You can see the full dresser makeover here.

It fits perfectly in our closet and it even has little compartments in the top drawer for things. 


Master Bedroom Closet Makeover - Hangbars in for more storage and dresser - Life on Kaydeross Creek



6. Add a window seat or bench for built-in storage.

Seating is always a plus but when you get extra storage out of it, it’s even better. This one is also a built in shoe rack. If you have more folded clothes, you could find one with drawers. If it’s simply a bench, you could add a basket underneath it for storage as well. 



This one combines the mirror and storage and is such a clean look and feel. 




7. Add beadboard or wainscotting.

Try creating a focal point with wood accents. This vertical beadboard adds interest without being too loud. It’s a fairly inexpensive way to add character and makes the space feel finished especially with the rug and the cute little stool. I love this beachy, laid back feel.



You can also go old school and apply it horizontally like shiplap. If you don’t want the expense of the actual wood, you can actually draw it on using a straight edge and a Sharpie. 

I love the way they combined the warm tones of the baskets and the frame on the artwork to warm up and complete the space. 



8. Add a dressing table.

A built in vanity tucked into a small space is ideal but you can also try a small desk or table with a large mirror as a pretty dressing table. This can be an easy DIY project if you can find one at a thrift store or garage sale and paint it to match your decor. 



9. Display beauty products on a pretty tray.

Use an inexpensive tray for your beauty products or perfume. You can pick one up at a thrift store and paint it to match your color scheme or find them at HomeGoods or TJ Maxx. It’s a great solution for storing everyday items and can make your morning routine feel special. 



10. Add pretty lighting.

It’s great if the closet has a window with natural light but you can add little something extra with a beautiful chandelier or sconces. 



I love the vintage feel of this closet. The wallpaper and the light fixture as well as the hat boxes add such a vintage vibe. 


11. Use vintage suit cases. 

Vintage suitcases are a great way to add character and extra storage to a closet or any space. You can find these for a bargain at thrift stores and vintage stores. 




12. Use pretty hardware.

Why use plain knobs when the possibilities are endless when it comes to hardware like drawer pulls. If you like the style of one but the color isn’t exactly what you are looking for, you can always spray paint them. The handles here match the mirror as well as the legs on the bench. Decorative hooks can also add a touch of glam and, of course, a place to hang scarves or belts. 

You an also pray paint your closet rods to match the finish for a cohesive look.



I love how they used the colors from the wallpaper for inspiration for this space. They pulled the blue out to use on the bench and also on the curtains.  

Here they went with silver for the drawer pulls, closet rods and accessory hooks. 



13. Add pretty curtains.

If you have neighbors and you’re going to be getting dressed in your closet, curtains are a must. Choose something that is functional and provides privacy but also lets the light in like these cafe curtains. 



14. Use all wooden hangers (or matching hangers).

For hanging space, ditch any wire hangers and keep things cohesive and neat with matching hangers. I love using wooden hangers because they are really sturdy and they look really nice. You can also opt for heavy plastic hangers in all one color. 



15. Use pieces of art or small mirrors on empty wall space.

Adding art to your walls can help bring in your personal style and as mentioned before, can be the jumping off point for the closet color scheme.  Small mirrors can also help reflect the light in a smaller space. 



This color has my heart.  I love how organized this space is and the addition of the beadboard on the ceiling really finishes the space. 



16. Add a pretty rug.

Warm up your feet and add some color and texture to empty floor space with a beautiful rug. It’s a great inspiration piece for the style you are going for and to hone in on your color palette. 


How to decorate a small walk-in closet



The soft warm tones in the closet brought out by the rug are so calming. I love the way the gold in the light fixtures matches the mirror and the drawer pulls. 



17. Add a bench or chair.

Having a bench seat or chair in the space can be convenient for when you are getting dresses or putting on your shoes. They can also add color and interest and, let’s face it, a place your clothes may end up at some point. 🙂 

A cute little “poof” style seating or wooden stool would also be cute. 



18. Add decorative moulding.

Another DIY project to add a bit of character and decorate a small walk in closet, is to add wood trim or moulding. It’s a great way to elevate any space and it’s relatively inexpensive. 



I love the use of wallpaper here on the ceiling trimmed out with the crown moulding. (see tip #24)




19. Add coordinating baskets.

Baskets are always a great option to add warmth and texture to any space. They are also the perfect solution for storing accessories. They come in all shapes and sizes and are a relatively inexpensive solution for gathering all of your things together. Take it a step further and use labels hung on the outside to stay even more organized. 


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The monotone colors in this closet are so soothing. They have also matched the gold of the pretty drawer pulls and light fixture.


20. Paint the doors or add something decorative like a barn door. 

Don’t forget that closet doors can make a statement, too. You can paint them a a contrasting color or the same color as the closet or the adjacent room as they did here. 



It doesn’t matter if you like a classic farmhouse feel or something more modern, barn doors are a fun way to add some character to the space. They are also perfect for a doorway where there is no room for a swinging door in a room. If you want to save some money, you can build your own in a style you like or buy a kit at a home improvement store. 



21. Use pretty storage boxes.

Why not store you stuff in something a little more fancy like pretty boxes in a range of colors or something fun like hat boxes?


22. Display your jewelry.

Your jewelry can double as decor. Keep it out in the open by displaying it on hooks so you can find pieces easily when you need to.  



Here all of the necklaces are front and center for easy access and they look so pretty displayed on the gold hooks.



23. Decorate with personal photos.

Why not add a few family photos in the space? It’s something nice that you will be able to see each morning before you start your day. 



24. Don’t forget the ceiling. 

Why not add some interest on the ceiling with wallpaper, paint or beadboard? You could even do a fun chevron pattern with wood. 



25. Display your purses or hats.

Why not use your accessories as decor? Place them in plain site on the top shelf or higher shelves and keep your everyday items down lower.

This closet combines many of these ideas to decorate a walk in closet into one space. It’s not too over the top and feels light and spacious. 



Remember to keep your closet neat. Make it part of your daily routine to hang up your clothes and put your other things away. Your tomorrow self will thank you when you can find everything you need and start the day fresh. 



No matter what your style, you don’t need to be a professional closet designer to create beautiful closets. You can have a well organized space as well as a beautiful one with just a few creative ideas and even small, inexpensive changes. 

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25 Design ideas to decor a walk in closet


I hope you found some inspiration to decorate a small walk in closet in your space. Let me know in the comments if you’ve done one of these things or if there is something you are going to try. 

Happy decorating! 


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