Farmhouse Shelf – Project Challenge


Hey everyone! Today I’m sharing a DIY farmhouse shelf as part of our monthly Project challenge. It’s a sweet transformation of something someone else might have tossed in the junk heap.  A friend offered to give me this old screen and I hesitated at first because it was in such rough shape. Being the hoarder that I am, I, of course, said yes thinking I would do something with it.


DIY Farmhouse Shelf - screen before - Life on Kaydeross Creek


Pretty rough shape, right?? It sat in my garage for awhile until our Project Challenge came up this month which happened to be working with screens. Check out the other lovely bloggers and their transformations at the end of the post.


Project Challenge - working with screens - Life on Kaydeross Creek


So I pulled out the dusty old screen and got to thinking. I’ve been on the lookout for some cool stuff to hang on my walls and thought this might do the trick if I turn it into a shelf. First things first, it needed some TLC. We had to tighten up some of the wire brackets to make it more sturdy where it was coming apart and bend the screen back into place.

Once it was more solid, I wipe it down inside and out with some cleaner and a cotton rag just to get the dirt and grease off of it. After I did that, I could see that the screen had some rust and knew I had to spray paint it.  I taped off the wooden part and used Rustoleum Metallic Spray Paint in Flat Chestnut.


DIY Farmhouse Shelf - screen ready for paint - Life on Kaydeross Creek


So much better…


DIY Farmhouse Shelf - screen before mineral oil - Life on Kaydeross Creek


After the screen was painted, the wood looked so bleached out and brittle. I used mineral oil all over it and in the cracks to bring out a richer color in the wood. I love mineral oil and have used it on other projects like my Fixer Upper Inspired Metal Wall Decor.  It’s an inexpensive way to bring out the darker tones of wood.


DIY Farmhouse Shelf - screen painted - Life on Kaydeross Creek


I had originally wanted to use a piece of reclaimed wood for 2 different size shelves but it turned out to be too thick and didn’t look right. We found this old board that was the bottom of an old dresser and it was just the right thickness. We cut it down to the  right width to match the size of the surround and I stained it to match the color. The DIY Farmhouse shelf was coming together.


DIY Farmhouse Shelf - painting shelf - Life on Kaydeross Creek


When it was dry we attached it to the inside of the screen. I tried adding another small shelf on the bottom but it just looked too busy and I ended up cutting down the bigger shelf to sit lower in the circle instead.  I think it came out cute…


DIY Farmhouse Shelf - Screen Project Challenge - Life on Kaydeross Creek


I love the character it adds to the space. We didn’t fully attached the shelf so it’s versatile too, I can always put a wreath in the middle if I wanted to mix it up a bit.


DIY Farmhouse shelf made from and old screen - Life on Kaydeross Creek



DIY Farmhouse shelf and wall decor made from and old screen - Project Challenge - Life on Kaydeross Creek


DIY Farmhouse shelf - wall decor made from and old screen -Project Challenge - Life on Kaydeross Creek



DIY Farmhouse shelf - Project Challenge- Life on Kaydeross Creek

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What a transformation this farmhouse shelf turned out to be! I love taking something that otherwise would have gone in the trash and making something cool out of it.  What’s your next DIY project?Does it involve turning trash into treasure??  Whatever it may be…

Happy DIY’ing!


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Check out my blogger friends and their transformations using screens…

Michelle from Shelstring


Molly From Just A Little Creativity


Karen Somewhat Quirky Designs


Emily Domestic Deadline


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  1. Great Idea! I have one of these sifter/screens and to use it as a shelf is something I never would have thought of! I love the fact that you were able to use the existing beat up screen and not replace it.
    🙂 gwingal

  2. Love this idea! How clever and unique…one of my favorite combinations. That is something that I would actually try because it looks so do-able! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful idea. I’m really envious of how clean your house is right now. *sigh* 😉

    1. Thanks, Michele! If I had turned the camera to my left and took a picture of that room, you wouldn’t be so envious 😉

  3. I love this transformation. I have one of these seed sifters – at least that’s what I think they are! I never thought to put the shelf across the bottom. I’ve actually used mine like a wreath, putting a collection of decoration across the bottom of the circle. Adding the shelf makes it a lot more versatile!